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About Accessibility Committee

In pursuance of the letter dated 06.11.2023 from the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, the Hon’ble the Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh was pleased to constitute High Court Accessibility Committee to ensure greater accessibility of Judicial processes/infrastructure in the Courts and for putting in place a system to ensure with every stakeholders in the Justice Delivery System, who is affected by disability, by giving reasonable accommodation that they need, as per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) shared by the Hon’ble eCommittee, Supreme Court of India.
In pursuance of decisions of the High Court Accessibility Committee, all the District Judges in the State of Andhra Pradesh were requested to constitute District Courts Accessibility Committees to serve as Nodal Agency for taking proactive measures in the light of the SOP. The Principal District Judges were further requested to reconstitute the Committees preferably with a female member of visually or physically challenged.
This web page is designed and developed to create awareness regarding the Accessibility Committee at the High Court level and the District Courts level and to escalate any issues/measures to ensure greater Accessibility of judicial processes/infrastructure in the State Judiciary of the Andhra Pradesh.
This web page facilitates the visually or physically challenged people to send their grievances to the High Court Accessibility Committee or District Courts Accessibility Committees.
High Court Accessibility Committee

Hon'ble Sri Justice K Sreenivasa Reddy
Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh
Chairman, Accessibility Committee - +91 9848283339

Hon'ble Sri Justice G Ramakrishna Prasad
Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh
Member, Accessibility Committee - +91 83310 92888

Hon'ble Sri Justice T.Mallikarjuna Rao
Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh
Member, Accessibility Committee - +91 9876543215
Members From the BAR

Sri V. Narasayya
Advocate, High Court of Andhra Pradesh - +91 90323 25467

Sri Kodavali Venkata Balaji
Advocate, High Court of Andhra Pradesh - +91 99859 51899
District Courts Accessibility Committees

District Courts Accessibility Committees
Year - 2024
Minutes of the Meeting08-07-2024
Minutes of the Meeting31-07-2024
Minutes of the Meeting01-08-2024
Minutes of the Meeting05-08-2024
Minutes of the Meeting17-09-2024
Minutes of the MeetingUNO Conventions
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