High Court Juvenile Justice Committee

Hon'ble Sri Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur

Hon'ble Sri Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur

The Hon'ble The Chief Justice



Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh

Smt. Justice Vaddiboyana Sujatha
Smt. Justice Vaddiboyana Sujatha

Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh

Hon'ble Sri Justice Dr. V.R.K. Krupa Sagar
Hon'ble Sri Justice Dr. V.R.K. Krupa Sagar

Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh

Hon'ble Smt. Justice Venkata Jyothirmai Pratapa
Hon'ble Smt. Justice Venkata Jyothirmai Pratapa

Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh

Hon'ble Smt. Justice Kiranmayee Mandava
Hon'ble Smt. Justice Kiranmayee Mandava

Judge, High Court of Andhra Pradesh


Juvenile Justice Committee of High court has been constituted in pursuance of resolution passed in Chief Justice's Conference held on 9th and 10th March 2006 vide Item No.22 of Agenda as "The Plights of Juvenile Delinquents", the resolution was passed as under:

"That High Courts will impress upon the State Governments to set up Juvenile Justice Boards, wherever Boards were not set-up. The Chief Justices may nominate a High Court Judge to oversee the condition and functioning of the remand/observation homes established under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000"

Hon'ble the Chief Justice of High Court of Andhra Pradesh was pleased to nominate Hon'ble Sri Justice Ravi Nath Tilhari as Chairperson & Hon'ble Smt. Justice Vaddiboyana Sujatha, Hon'ble Sri Justice Dr. V.R.K. Krupa Sagar, Hon'ble Smt. Justice Venkata Jyothirmai Pratapa and Hon'ble Smt. Justice Kiranmayee Mandava as Members to effectively monitor the implementation of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007.

The Committee has to Act as a supervisory role over the stake-holders which are functioning for child rights. The role of committee is also important to make co-ordination between all the stakeholders for effective implementation of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and Model Rules, 2016 in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

The Committee took up the task of continued interaction with the Department for Child Rights, Department of Women and Child Development, Police and other stakeholders to fulfill the object for which the Committee was constituted. The issues related to proper infrastructure of Child Care Institutions (CCIs), CSR for strengthening & upgradation of Homes, establishment of separate Government Children Homes & Observation Homes are taken up with the State Government. Any complaint received with regard to any CCI is dealt with promptly. The Committee also took up the task of rehabilitation and reintegration of children in need of care and protection. To channelize the energy of vulnerable children, to rehabilitate and to provide them lifelong source of survival, Committee motivates the Department for Child Rights to design & develop special courses and special projects for vocational training and skill development of children. Capacity building of the stakeholders coming under JJ Act 2015, has also been undertaken on the initiative of the Committee. The aim of the Committee is to address all kinds of difficulties faced by children in vulnerable condition and to effectively implement JJ Act, 2015.


work in progress..


Minutes of the Meetings

work in progress..

Help Desk

Legal Aid

Juvenile Justice Boards

Child Welfare Committees

Special Juvenile Police Officers

Schemes for Children with Disabilities

District Probation Officers

Observation Homes

Child Care Institutions