Page 92 - Telephone Directory
P. 92
10. Spl. Judge for Speedy Trial of Offences - - -
under POCSO Act 2012, Nellore M: 8985580114
11. President Dist. Consumer Forum 0861 2337063 -
M: 9866661436 -
12. Prl. Sr. Civil Judge, Nellore 0861 2325495 2324940
M: 9492683996
13. I Addl. Sr. Civil Judge, Nellore 0861 2347720 2347721
M: 9440751698
14. II Addl. Sr. Civil Judge (FTC), Nellore 0861 2343996 2343788
15. Sr. Civil Judge, Gudur 08624 222214 222382
M: 8374694712
16. Sr. Civil Judge, Kavali 08626 241264 241409
M: 7673915546
17. Sr. Civil Judge, Kovur 08622 271216 271288
18. Sr. Civil Judge’s Court, Atmakur 08627 220077 295407
M: 9177760492
19. Secretary-cum-Sr. Civil Judge Dist. 0861 2330579 2330479
Legal Services Authority, Nellore M: 9866151665
20. Prl. Jr. Civil Judge, Nellore 0861 2324870 2323551
M: 9849024414
21. I Addl. Jr. Civil Judge, Nellore 0861 2324649 2324289
M: 8309865171
22. II Addl. Judicial Magistrate of First 0861 2325353 2324234
Class, Nellore M: 7207539225
23. III Addl. Jr. Civil Judge, Nellore 0861 2325640 2324017
M: 8500219044
24. IV Addl. Judicial Magistrate of First 0861 2324478 2324274
Class, Nellore M: 9700669864
25. V Addl. Jr. Civil Judge, Nellore 0861 2343439 2343539
M: 8885098959
26. Spl. Judicial Magistrate of First Class 0861 2324457 2324435
for Excise, Nellore M: 9440063547
27. Spl. Judicial Magistrate of First Class, 0861 2329884 2338345
Mobile Court, Nellore M: 8008263935